What Is Stronger : Your Goals, Or Your Insecurities?

Recently, I have been having some problems staying confident about the novel I’m working on. I kept thinking that every line I wrote was not good enough. These insecurities have always been with me, ever since I started to write, but over the last few weeks, they had become much too difficult to handle.

Yesterday, these insecurities became too problematic, and in a moment of desperation and impulse, I posted a question on Jenna Moreci’s blog. She is a talented writer, who has written a book called 'Eve : The Awakening' (I'd recommend it, it's awesome). I wrote about how I’ve been having confidence problems for some time, and I asked her how to get over it. 
This is what she told me:
How do you stay confident? You don’t. Who said writers are confident? Moments of doubt and insecurity kinda come with the territory. The only thing that separates a published author from an unpublished writer is the fact that the author had the courage to get the book done. If you’re waiting for confidence to motivate you, you’re going to be waiting forever. What you need is dedication. What’s stronger: your goal to be a writer, or your insecurities?
I thought about what she said for a very long time, and I realized that she was right. If I spent my life waiting for my own confidence to improve, I wouldn't get a book out till the day I die. 

All the dreams and all the hopes I have had about my writing career are too strong for me to give up writing just because I feel insecure. I am too dedicated towards my goals to waste time feeling bad about myself. I'm not the only one who is feeling this way. Every writer goes through this phase, and I'm just smack in the middle of mine. And like every other bad time in my life, I will get through this one too. 
This is for all you folks who feel the same way. I hope Jenna's words of wisdom helps you as much as it has helped me. 
Keep writing, and don't give up.

Read the first 3 chapters of 'EVE' on Jenna's website : http://jennamoreci.com/
Read Jenna's blog here : http://jennamoreci.tumblr.com/
Watch Jenna's videos here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/


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